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Nagpur Orange


Nagpur Orange, often referred to as “Nagpuri Santra,” is a citrus fruit known for its sweet and tangy flavor. Named after the city of Nagpur in India, this variety of orange is renowned for its vibrant color, juicy pulp, and distinct taste.The Nagpur Orange is a rich source of vitamin C, which is essential for immune system function and overall health. The fruit’s antioxidants contribute to skin health and may provide protective benefits against certain diseases. Its sweet and tangy flavor profile makes it a popular choice for fresh consumption, juices, and culinary applications.

Nagpur Orange, often referred to as “Nagpuri Santra,” is a citrus fruit known for its sweet and tangy flavor. Named after the city of Nagpur in India, this variety of orange is renowned for its vibrant color, juicy pulp, and distinct taste.The Nagpur Orange is a rich source of vitamin C, which is essential for immune system function and overall health. The fruit’s antioxidants contribute to skin health and may provide protective benefits against certain diseases. Its sweet and tangy flavor profile makes it a popular choice for fresh consumption, juices, and culinary applications.


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